Monday, November 18, 2013

My Mommy Mission Statement

Image by Elisa Nobe via stock.xchange
Since learning I was pregnant with my first baby almost two years ago, I’ve wondered what kind of mom I’d be. I naively thought that by the time my baby was born, I’d have it all figured out. After all, I did have nine months to research. And research I did! I began reading article after article, blog after blog, trying to figure out how to be the best mom I could. My goal, in essence, was to have a “Mommy Mission Statement” written, notarized, and set in stone. In my mind, this mission statement would guide all of my parenting decisions. If I ever became confused, I could just refer back to my core set of beliefs about parenthood and they’d essentially make the right choice for me.

I became obsessed. I read about the Cry It Out method, and I agreed with some of its tenants. It made perfect sense in my mind that if we reward crying with love and cuddles, babies will learn that crying equates to attention. And who wants that!? But then I read about some Eastern cultures that practice co-sleeping and pick up their babies at the first little squawk. Their belief was that this helps children feel more secure and confident. And I certainly wanted my baby to know that I’d always be there for him, good or bad.

I read about spankings vs. time-outs. I read about natural or attachment parenting vs. the Babywise method. I learned how you should breastfeed exclusively until your baby turned one and I read about how you should let your baby direct weaning and feed him solids as soon as he showed interest.  I read that you shouldn’t use pacifiers if you are nursing, but that pacifiers also seem to help prevent SIDS. For every situation no matter how insignificant, I read about two, completely opposite methods of parenting. And I agreed with something from both sides in nearly every case.

My Mommy Mission Statement was not going well at all. Although I learned a great deal about everyone else’s beliefs’ about the right way to parent, I still had no idea what kind of parent I was going to be. I wasn’t sure what I believed about parenting. And just when I stumbled upon something I thought I could come to believe, I read something else that completely contradicted it. And I thought I could believe that too.

Labor and delivery rolled around as it inevitably does, but I still had not figured this motherhood thing out. So I kept reading. I hadn’t yet accepted the fact that there will always be two opposite ways of doing things; or that one of my virtues and vices is the ability to see and agree with both sides. This was useful when I had to write an argumentative essay in high school because I could successfully argue for either side. It will also probably come in handy when I have to mediate fights between children, but it’s really inconvenient when I need to have a strong opinion on something.  It made writing my mission statement incredibly difficult.

Difficult as it was, I felt that this endeavor was too important to quit on. So I kept on reading. I felt kind of like Forrest Gump. I just kept on reading. And reading. And reading. And reading. Until I just didn’t feel like it anymore. And so I stopped.

That point for me was this past month. I did not give up on my mission statement. But reading wasn’t getting me there. I’d read all I could. I read about me. What I, as a parent, should do. Over and over again, I read about me. And the question suddenly occurred to me, “When did parenting become about the parents?”

 When my sister and I were fighting, I don’t remember my mom saying, ”Ok. Now, I’m an attachment parent. What would an attachment parent do in this situation?”  When my baby sister was born, my mom didn’t say, “What sleep training method should I use?” And when her baby cried, my mom didn’t think, “Oh no! If I pick her up now, I’ll  be teaching her that crying gets attention and I’ll ruin her forever!” My mom didn’t do any of those things.

What she did do was love us. She listened to us. She got to know us. My mom recognized that she had three, individual daughters.  She knew and loved each of us, and she let that guide her parenting choices. She didn’t parent Mallary and Shaylee the same way she parented me, because she knew we were different people and we would respond best to different things. My mom and dad’s method of parenting wasn’t about them. It was about us.

So after twenty-three months of obsessing and researching, this realization has finally allowed me to begin writing my Mommy Mission Statement.

“I am a parent committed to raising a healthy, happy, responsible, and kind child. I will do this by being a “child-focused” parent. I will get to know my child as an individual by listening both to what he says, and what he doesn’t say. I will love him no matter what. I recognize that when I have more children, each of them will be different and as such will need different things. I believe this means there is no one right parenting style and I believe that as I listen to, love, and get to know my children, I will learn what type of parent each child needs. My abundant love for them will allow me to be that parent.”

I didn’t end up with the clear cut, notarized mission statement I wanted.  It won’t make decisions for me. It certainly leaves room for me to change my mind.  But it’s not about me. It’s about my children. Don’t get me wrong. I definitely see value in being a self-aware parent. How else will you recognize your mistakes and fix them?  But I see more value in being aware of your child and what they need. I’m not going to stop reading parenting articles. But my goal is to make informed decisions based on what each of my children need and not on what some scholar or parenting expert believes is best. After all, they don’t know my child. I do. I believe the best type of parent is one whose parenting decisions are more focused on their children than themselves. Those are the type of parents I had and that’s the type of parent I choose to be. That’s my Mommy Mission Statement.

Do you have a Mommy Mission Statement? What does/would it include?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Lovin

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How to: Breathe

I'm really excited for today's post! It's my first guest post! Make sure you link up to my best friends blog, Momma Roars. I think you'll like it!

Step 1: Put the baby to bed.
Bath. Diaper. Bottle. Blanket. Binky.

Step 2: Take your first real breath of the day. Forget that you’ve been surviving on the short, frantic breaths of the drowning; breaths that can’t really fill you. Forget it and just breathe.

Breathe in the messy house.
Breathe out. Forget it.
Breathe in the grimy clothes.
Breathe out. Relax
Breathe in the burnt dinner.
Breathe out. Let it go.

Forget it.
Let it go. 

*Repeat Step 2 as necessary to achieve desired results. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

How to: Make Lists and Accomplish Things

Wake up motivated. Make a to-do list. Make a checklist. Make a grocery list. Make a reading list. Make any other kind of list you can think of. Pick a list and start with the easiest task on it. Check it off. Continue on to the next easiest task. Check that off. Continue in a similar manner until you've checked off everything on your list. Move on to another list. Do not forget to intermittently pause and check on the baby! That’s important. If you finish everything on every list, make more lists.*

Work. Check.  Work. Check. Wor…Pause! The baby is crying. Feed him lunch. Forget to eat. Make a bottle and put the baby in his crib with it. He needs to wash down that pancake. Get back to work! Work. Check. Work. Check. Wor…Pause! The baby isn’t crying. All is quiet. You should be suspicious now.

Slowly crack the door and peek in the baby’s room. Catch him standing in his crib with the curtains pushed aside and his precious little face smashed against the window. Notice how he is wistfully watching the world outside, wishing he was a part of it. Feel like a horrible, neglectful mother. Put down the endless lists.

Take off your yoga pants. Put on your jeans. Dress the baby in warm clothes and a hat. Dig the stroller from the dark recesses of your messy garage. Ignore the spiders and weird smells. If you find this difficult, just remind yourself that you’re doing this for your son and that makes it worth it.

Walk around the neighborhood and soak in the sunshine. Soak in your baby’s joy. Feel refreshed by the crisp autumn air. Let your baby’s smile fall over you like a veil, erasing every other item on your lists. You didn’t accomplish all you'd planned, but you did something more important. 

*Note that this event is unlikely. You made a lot of lists.

How To: Cope With Sleepy Mornings

Wake to a crying baby. Lay in bed hoping he’s just sleep-screaming. Silence? Go back to sleep, but do not get your hopes up. I cannot emphasize this enough. Do. Not. Get. Your. Hopes. Up. More screaming indicates that he’s up for the day.

Roll out of bed, being careful to make sure your feet hit the floor before the rest of you. Make a bottle. Lay back down in bed, placing the screaming baby next to you. Proceed to give him the bottle. Unclench your teeth when the crying stops.

After breakfast and a diaper change, carefully examine the nursery floor. For best results, you WILL need to see it through the eyes of a child.  This may involve laying your cheek against the carpet and army crawling throughout the room. Stay alert. If you sense yourself succumbing to drowsiness, stand up and do up to (but not exceeding) 25 jumping jacks. This counts as your daily workout, and will sharpen your mind as you look for potential safety hazards.

Pick up and discard the toilet paper the dog shredded.Wonder how he got toilet paper. Try not to wonder if it was used. Unplug the nightlights and plug in the outlet safety covers. Unplug the space heater and store it in the closet. Wonder why you are using a heater in May. Pick up and discard the pieces of the plastic purple penguin the dog chewed up. Wonder why a penguin is purple. Stay focused! Unplug the humidifier and ensure it is out of reach. Then push it 5 inches further back on the dresser as an extra precaution. Plug in more outlet safety covers. Do another cursory examination of the room for any safety hazards you may have missed.

After ensuring that the nursery is baby proofed, spread a blanket and lay on nursery floor with your child as he licks books and throws every noise-making toy he can get his hands on. Take a breath as you look at your son and realize he’s just made this the best morning of your life.