Monday, December 2, 2013

The Worst Thing About Laundry

Image by Oliver Brandt via stock.xchange
Let’s face it. Everyone hates laundry. Of course that’s a generalization, but sometimes you have to generalize. And I’ve never met anyone who likes doing laundry so I’m taking liberties here. Everyone hates laundry. Sure, people vary on the degree to which they despise laundry day. But who actually gets excited about it? Not me. Not even a little.

And since becoming a mom, my contempt for laundry has multiplied. By like ten million. Maybe it’s because I now have twelve times the amount of laundry to do. That was unexpected. After all, how much extra laundry could one little person produce? Right? The answer is: a lot! Your days of re-wearing clothes between washings are over after you have a baby. Grimy fingers, poopy diapers, spit-up – somehow they all end up all over you. And the baby. And then you both have to change clothes. Or not. Either way, you have extra laundry. And let’s not forget about the amount of spills you’re cleaning up. Which, because of my aversion to paper towels, equates to a ton of extra laundry!

So there’s that. And then there’s the fact that even one load of laundry is so much harder than it should be. When washing clothes for two adults, I didn’t have to do anything but sort, throw them in the washer, and turn it on. But now there is soaking, scrubbing and then washing. And don’t forget which baby items were stained because you don’t want to throw them in the dryer and heat set the stain. No! They need to line dry so you can check to see if the stain was completely removed. Usually it wasn’t and you have to go through the whole process again. And hopefully it worked. Hopefully you caught them all.

But probably you didn’t. So you try not to get angry that the adorable white shirt grandma just bought now has a huge grape juice stain down the middle, but seriously!? He only wore it once! One time, and now it is ruined with no hope of saving it. This happens far, far too often. But that’s not the worst thing.

Image by Fleur Suijten via stock.xchange
The absolute worst thing about doing laundry now is that it forces me to confront something that I prefer to ignore: the fact that my baby is growing up. Way. Too. Fast.  Every time I wash a load of Cord’s clothes, I find more items that don’t fit anymore. Something that fit just yesterday (literally, he wore it yesterday) has to go into storage with the other baby items. And that is incredibly sad.

Perfection Pending


  1. Ugh! I hate laundry too. Always have from the time my parents made me fold mounds of it as a kid. Now, I frequently leave it to the following day or days. In fact, your post reminded me that I have a load in the dryer that needs taking care of! :) Thanks for linking up with me! Hope you will do it again! xoxo

    1. There is always a pile of clean laundry somewhere around here. At least it's clean, right!?

  2. I know how you feel... I actually had all the laundry CLEANED (and on the bed waiting to be folded) and then we had the pee accident to end all pee accidents and there is a whole new load.

    1. Haha! There NEEDS to be a blog post about that!

  3. And as they get older the clothes just get bigger and the size of the daily load grows. Thank goodness for modern washing machines! My teens seem capable of wearing the entire contents of their wardrobes within days...

    1. I'm looking forward to v those days with both excitement and dread!
